Which Aid is Right For Me?

Hearing aids come in a range of models – from economy through to premium devices. Use the chart below to get an understanding of the different performance levels you can expect from each.

Individual specifications may vary depending on each manufacturer’s technology and devices. The table is only a guide. Use it as the basis of any conversation with your audiologist or hearing specialist.


4-6 Channels


8-10 Channels

12-16 Channels
16-20 Channels

Quiet Listening


Watching TV




Small groups 2-3 people

Medium groups 5-7 people


Larger groups 7-10 people


Outdoor environments




Social gatherings


Tinnitus masker *

Adaptive feedback cancellation

Automatic microphones

Adaptive microphone


Binaural Synchronisation


Ear-to-ear signal processing


Automatic telephone

✓  ✓ 

Conversations in Car


Tele-coil compatible

Binaural telephone streaming


Wireless device accessory option (eg TV, mobile phone, home phone)